Isboxer eve eula 2016
Isboxer eve eula 2016

isboxer eve eula 2016

"Jason Kusion and all alts has received a permanent ban on all accounts. I received the following message after the banhammer fell:

isboxer eve eula 2016

Nevertheless, the Kusion ganking spree could not last forever. He enjoyed practical jokes, such as the Ruse Kruise, which swept up most of the Reddit and Anti-Ganking communities. However, Jason Kusion also had a lighter side. Assume that people are acting in good faith, if you are unsure and can't prove the opposite.The Kusions are best known for the unthinkable carnage they wrought.


And we request that you stop using an inaccurate and flawed detection software if it can't differentiate between broadcasting and pushing buttons fast.

isboxer eve eula 2016

We want a clear statement if our new ways to multiboxing is allowed or not. This will sooner or later cause a lot of trouble. We are touching legal terms right now, if you are banning a paying customer without clear evidence, from a game he paid actual money for. CCP's reaction on petitions filed by those: Two of them aren't even using ISBoxer and are only commanding two clients at once without any software aid. If you can't clearly prove that someone is broadcasting and you are still banning because it MIGHT BE POSSIBLE that someone is broadcasting you are doing something wrong and you will probably hit many innocent pilots.


This is because CCP's immature and flawed detection software can not differentiate between manual fast actions and broadcasting. If you are commanding more than one account in a time-frame of three seconds from the same IP CCP considers this broadcasting and you will likely receive a ban, even if you are not broadcasting. Now CCP started banning innocent pilots who are using more than one account on the same IP address who are just fast. You are ignoring tickets completely, and those tickets which are being answered contain only unrelated text macros or EULA quotes which are not helpful at all. For two month we are trying to get in contact with you and get a clear answer if our new methods playing without broadcasting are within the terms of the EULA. In your dev thread on the forums regarding the ISboxer rule changes and broadcasting bans, you mentioned that you want us to get in contact with you if there are problems. The majority of tickets were either closed or did not receive any answer (apart from your message closing the ticket because it was inactive for a while) Some even did not have ISBoxer installed, and were banned. This is a huge issue, as we have designed setups to play without broadcasting, but some people got banned even if they were not broadcasting at all. EULA quotes - which are useless if there were issues interpreting the EULA and if the ticket is asking whether a certain setup would conform to the EULA by CCP. Pre-made text blocks, which were not even related to our questions at all! Did the person answering the ticket really read it? Obviously not. To achieve this we tried to get answers via petitions if our new setups are okay with the EULA or not. We looked for ways how we can play with ISBoxer without broadcasting and without violating the EULA. The ISBoxer community honored the new rules, and we looked into our hard- and software to change our ways of playing the game to be EULA-conforming if it wasn't already. When you published the new "regulation" regarding ISBoxer clarifying an old rule, we all were happy:įinally, a word from CCP what is banable and what no. Since the Customer Support hasn't done much in days now - and due to the fact that these banned players can't post on their own - do i feel responsible to speak out a serious warning to everyone playing with more than one Account using the same IP these days to prevent beeing banned for supported and advertised gameplay by CCP.įor those who can't use the EVE Comms due to a ban and want to help clearing the situation can contact me over ICQ UIN: 772017 or Jabber/XMPP: Dart ATassadar January of 2015 CCP began to use a new Bot- and Macro detection tool wich caused the first innocent Victims: Players who used the offer of Power of Two in the past and are now used to play with 2 or more Accounts at the time has been automatically banned for 30days for Bot- and Macro using with multiple Accounts. In the past days i received alot messages by Players i know for years asking me for my expertise about serious trouble that recently happened to several Players: Starting with the 1. Postat inițial de Dart ATassadar: Heya Capsuleers, Dear Customer Support,

Isboxer eve eula 2016